I couldn't figure out my password for a very long time. Firefox stopped saving all of my info. I have 3 or 4 half used rolls of film. But I do have a few model-y things to post.
Ive been in NY relaxin' for about a month. Changed agencies. Getting back into the groove..
OH! And I got 2 kitties. Flo and Delilah.

Without their collars, its almost impossibly to tell them apart. Eep. So cute.
Various new digitals;
Tiger of Sweden Campaign pictures. Im going back to Sweden at the end of this week to shoot for this brand again. :)

Oooh. Sophisticated.
The Koooooples w/ my Bf.

Man, he's hairy.
My Pants catalog with Paul Schmidt. I really love these. He's so talented.
Just waiting for Jalouse to come out! I need to get those films developed too. I can't remember for the life of me whats on them.